John Barrasso

News Releases

Assault weapons ban in motion

Delegation will protect 2nd Amendment

Washington, D.C. – The Wyoming delegation, Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso and Representative Cynthia Lummis, all R-Wyo., are firing back at a renewed push by Attorney General Holder to reinstate the assault weapons ban.

 “This new administration is trying, and unfortunately succeeding, in taking away our hard earned money. Now they are following through on a campaign promise to take away our Second Amendment freedoms by reinstituting the assault weapons ban. This should come as no surprise since this Administration nominated and the Senate approved an anti-gun Attorney General. One of the reasons I opposed Eric Holder’s nomination for Attorney General was because of his restricting views on guns. Unfortunately, my hesitation based on his gun views is turning out to be justified,” said Enzi. “I held firm against President Clinton’s efforts to take away gun rights and I’ll continue doing the same with this President. Now is the time for Wyoming citizens to call their friends and family all across the nation and ask them to contact their representatives and urge them to support the Second Amendment.”

“If the Mexican government wants help stopping criminals from breaking into their country, then the Mexican government needs to help keep illegal immigrants out of ours,” Barrasso said. “This Administration and the gun control lobby are creating another problem that does not exist. Law abiding citizens’ right to bear arms must not be threatened. Attorney General Eric Holder’s comments continue to raise the stakes for gun owners across America.”

“In Wyoming, we have a proud and rich history with our right to keep and bear arms,” Lummis said. “Any move by the federal government to restrict the ownership of single pull, single shot firearms by law-abiding citizens is a direct violation of the Second Amendment. As a member of the NRA, I am extremely concerned by the Obama Administration’s announcement that they will pursue a ban of semi-automatic rifles, which are not assault weapons. If this ban is anything like the ban Congress rightly allowed to expire in 2004, then it will do more to trample the rights of law-abiding citizens in Wyoming than it will to fight criminals.”

During a Department of Justice news conference yesterday, Attorney General Holder reiterated his intention to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004, calling the ban “an appropriate thing to do.”

During his Senate confirmation hearing earlier this year Holder mentioned his support of closing down gun shows, banning certain kinds of bullets and making the assault weapons ban permanent. Enzi and Barrasso voted against his nomination.

The Assault Weapons Ban was signed into law by President Clinton in 1994 and expired in 2004. The ban prohibited 19 types of semi-automatic guns and ammunition clips, magazines or other loading devices with more than 10 rounds.