John Barrasso

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On Fox News Sunday, Barrasso Discusses Israel, Iraq and Iran

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) appeared on “Fox News Sunday” this morning to talk about ongoing developments in Israel, Iraq and Iran.   
Below are key excerpts of the interview:
On the Recent Violence in Israel:
“Obviously, our hearts go out to all of those families involved. There will be justice, I believe that. We hear that from the ambassador. There’s obviously emotions, there’s been revenge, senseless violence—and you worry about it spiraling downward.”
On New Video Featuring Leader of ISIS:
“Very concerned. Concerned for the safety and security of the American people. Obviously he feels emboldened by what this Islamic state has been able to accomplish. He must feel safe in that large area they have taken control of—which shows you that when the United States leaves a vacuum, others will go in, others will fill it, back actors will show up. We’re seeing that right now. And my greatest concern is for what he intends to do, and I think they have the capability and the intent to attack the United States.”
On the President’s Lack of Leadership in Middle East:
“Well I believe that President Obama is projecting worldwide U.S. weakness. I think that it’s hurting us all across the Middle East, but other places worldwide as well, including Russia and the Ukraine. So I think that the U.S. withdrawal has created this vacuum, which has allowed for this to happen. And it just emboldens others and invites them to act in a belligerent way so that our friends no longer trust us, our enemies don’t fear us, and when the United States says to our friends, you know, you’re on your own, what that allows to others is they come and get it.”
On if President Obama Needs to Come to Congress Involving Iraq:
“Well if the president wants boots on the ground, yes, he must come to Congress in that situation. But a strong foreign policy means that when a president says something that those words have meaning, will be followed through on. We talked about Syria, I support arming the rebels, training them. There are 30 different groups, moderate groups, six larger groups within that with different interactions. So you’re not exactly sure who to help and who they attack. You right now have Assad attacking ISIS. So who do they fight? Where do you train them? But I think the president does have to come to Congress for additional authorization. And the president, I think, really has not been leading. I want to know what the president’s plan is. He bluffed with his red line in Syria. I think he was slow to recognize what was happening with ISIS. We need a plan from a president who is engaged, not who seems to be just running out the clock.”
On Iran Nuclear Talks:
“The July 20th deadline is for the talks to be finished by then. This is now the end of the six-month period. It seems to me at this point Iran has gotten everything that they’ve wanted. The sanctions have been released. They’ve gotten the freeze of the $7 billion in assets have been lifted. And they’ve given nothing so far. So if you’ve seen the YouTube video of the foreign minister of Iran, he seems like he’s setting up to either blame the United States if it doesn’t work or try to take credit if it does work. There’s a letter signed by 83 senators that says how we define success, which is no ability to enrich at all and significant inspections. A level of being able to see what they’re really doing and getting around. And I think it’s going to be very difficult for Iran to comply with that.”