WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) questioned U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry about international climate change funding and Russian ceasefire commitments in Syria.
Kerry was testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on the president’s FY 2017 budget request for the U.S. Department of State.
On International Climate Change Funding:
“The American people are facing significant issues here at home.
“It’s a tight budgetary environment, and you’re requesting $1.3 billion for the Global Climate Change Initiative.
“As legislators, we’re constantly searching to find the resources to help many people around the country.
“Communities who are dealing with unemployment, with aging water systems, with poor roads, substandard hospitals, failing schools.
“So how do we talk to people at home and say that the real priority of the administration is sending $1.3 billion taxpayer dollars overseas to international bureaucrats in the name of climate change, rather than dealing with these issues at home?
Follow Up:
“So Barbara Boxer, a member of this committee would agree with that, but I’m saying why aren’t we spending the money here?
“She says climate change is an issue related to wildfires and droughts, storms. And the question is why aren’t we spending it here, rather than sending it overseas to bureaucrats?
Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Sec. Kerry on international climate change funding.
On Russian Ceasefire Commitments in Syria
“I want to switch to Syria here. During the confirmation hearing, January 2013, you were asked about situation in Syria.
“You stated, ‘every day that goes by, it gets worse.’
“I specifically asked you about Putin’s support of Assad in Syria. At the time of your confirmation hearing, there were more than 60,000 individuals estimated to have been killed in the crisis in Syria.
“The estimate this past weekend is that it’s now up to 470,000 Syrians killed in the crisis in Syria.
“So since the day of your confirmation hearing to now, the numbers were in the Economist and the international surveys on this, that’s about 300 more killed every day over the last three years.
“So Russia continues to support the Assad regime but is now bombing civilians and opposition groups in Syria.
“Putin is attempting to change the battlefield dynamics to bolster the Assad regime to weaken the opposition in terms of anything related to peace.
“His support of the Assad regime includes bombing civilians, bombing opposition groups.
“The current edition of the Economist article is titled, ‘Vladimir Putin’s War in Syria: Why would he stop now?’
“It says ‘Both of Aleppo’s main hospitals were systematically destroyed by Russian air strikes last week.’…‘Nobody should be surprised … that, despite signing the agreement, Russia would continue its airs strikes against those it regards as terrorists.’ Which they then point out that is an elastic term for Putin.
“Today’s New York Times editorial ‘Relying Again on an Unreliable Mr. Putin’ it says Putin, a ‘cease-fire to him is a tactic, even a smokescreen, not a goal.’
“The Economist says: ‘The only puzzle is what John Kerry, America’s secretary of state, thought he could achieve through his agreement with Mr. Lavrov.’
“So I would say after decimating opponents of the Assad regime with its bombing, Russia has now made a joint statement with the U.S. that it will agree to a cessation of hostilities February 27.
“To me, the only thing Russia has been consistent with is failing to keep its word.
“What consequences, specifically what consequences do you support imposing upon Russia if it violates this ceasefire agreement and it is just a smokescreen or some kind of a charade?
Follow Up:
“It does seem that there are no consequences for Putin’s violation to the cease-fire. I’ve not heard one from you with regard to this administration.
“Because U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power this past year talked about all of the failures of Russia, or the violations of Russia with ceasefires in Ukraine. It just seems to be we’re seeing this picture again.”
Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Sec. Kerry on Syrian Ceasefire.