John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Praises Virginia Court Ruling that Obamacare Mandate is Unconstitutional

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) praised a Virginia federal judge’s ruling that the individual mandate in the President’s health care law is unconstitutional:  

“When President Obama signed his new health care bill into law in March, he trampled on the Constitution and ignored the will of the American people.  Today, a Virginia judge delivered a clear interpretation of the Constitution.  Washington does not have the authority to force Americans to buy a private product. 

“Today’s verdict is further proof that we must repeal and replace the President’s new health care law.  Each day, we learn about more negative consequences of Washington’s unprecedented overreach into the lives of Americans and their health care.   The new law is bad for patients, providers, taxpayers, and small businesses.  I will continue to fight for repeal in the Senate.”