John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Statement on Sherwood-Randall Nomination to be Deputy Secretary of Energy

“If confirmed, Dr. Sherwood-Randall should use her knowledge of Eastern Europe and Russia and work with the White House to expedite LNG exports. She should work to ensure the Administration doesn’t turn LNG exports into the next Keystone.”

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) delivered the following statement at a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee business meeting after voting in favor of the nomination of Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall to be Deputy Secretary of Energy. The Committee voted to approve the nomination of Dr. Sherwood-Randall by voice vote.

Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s Statement:

“Thank you very much. Madame Chair.

“As you know, I did support the nomination of Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall to be Deputy Secretary of Energy.

“I believe the Department of Energy can use someone with her experience and her knowledge of Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern Europe.

“Over the course of her career, Dr. Sherwood-Randall has written extensively on these countries.

“She has also served in prominent roles at the Department of Defense and on the National Security Staff where she set policy related to these countries.

“If confirmed, she *would make—as her first order of business—the timely approval of liquid natural gas exports.

“To date, the Department of Energy has given final approval to only two LNG export terminals. The second of which was approved yesterday.

“Meanwhile, over 30 other projects await approval.

“The Obama Administration’s failure to permit LNG exports in a timely manner is nothing short of malpractice.

“America’s allies and strategic partners are imploring the Administration to signal that American LNG will be available for purchase in the near future.

“Our allies want alternatives to Russian natural gas.

“They want alternatives so they can stop funding a regime that threatens their freedom and the freedom of their neighbors.

“But the Obama Administration continues to delay. It continues to delay even though study after study show that American LNG exports would create thousands of jobs across the country; and reduce our nation’s trade deficit.

“It continues to delay even though Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, is escalating the crisis in Eastern Europe.

“Yesterday, it was reported that Russia has reduced natural gas deliveries to Poland in order to punish Poland for providing energy to Ukraine. This is outrageous.

“If confirmed, Dr. Sherwood-Randall should use her knowledge of Eastern Europe and Russia and work with the White House to expedite LNG exports.

“She should work to ensure the Administration doesn’t turn LNG exports into the next Keystone.

“LNG exports should not be held hostage by a small group of shrill extremists.

“There is much too much at stake—for the United States, for our allies, and the world.

“Thank you Madame Chairman.”

*Senator Barrasso intended to say “should” not “would.”
