John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Obama Should Act Now on Energy

“This Administration has a habit of delivering grand energy speeches that overstate substance and underutilize America’s energy reserves.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) released the following statement regarding President Obama’s upcoming energy speech:

“Last week while visiting Brazil, President Obama said that the United States wants to be one of the best customers of Brazilian oil.  Tomorrow, the President has an important opportunity to demonstrate the same enthusiasm about energy exploration in America.

“If this President is serious about strengthening America’s energy security and lowering gas prices, he will announce immediate steps to produce American energy and halt his expensive regulations.  

“The President can act now:  End his permitorium in the Gulf of Mexico where offshore production is expected to decline 15 percent this year.  Move forward with exploration off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.  Stop blocking exploration in Alaska.  Support the McConnell amendment to stop the EPA’s regulatory overreach that drives up energy prices.  Promote oil shale development in the West, and break down barriers at the Department of the Interior that make it harder to develop onshore oil and natural gas. 

“The President can and should take these immediate steps today. 

“If he doesn’t move forward on these fronts, we’ll hear just more of the same.  This Administration has a habit of delivering grand energy speeches that overstate substance and underutilize America’s energy reserves. 

“Last week, Secretary Salazar traveled to Wyoming to announce coal leases sales.  He said they would produce up to $21 billion.  It was later discovered that his estimate was ten times larger than the actual amount of $2 billion.  I hope the President’s remarks are more accurate and more substantive.  He should fully embrace all of the above energy development in our country.”
