John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Obama Throws Up Another Roadblock to Keystone

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement regarding bipartisan amendments to the highway bill about TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) boiler MACT rule:

“The White House just threw up another roadblock against the Keystone pipeline, American energy development and new jobs.  It’s especially hypocritical that the President lobbied against Keystone on the exact same day he gave a big speech about his support for ‘all of the above’ energy development.  As long as he continues to say one thing and do another, Americans will feel the pain at the pump.

“I am also disappointed that Democrats voted to protect red tape that will destroy thousands of jobs and costs billions of dollars.  The EPA’s boiler MACT rule will hurt small businesses, schools, hospitals, municipalities, and other important parts of communities across the country.  This poorly conceived rule will make it harder and more expensive for the private sector to grow and create new jobs across the country.” 


AMENDMENT #1660 – Boiler MACT (Senator Collins)

This amendment provides a legislative stay of four EPA rules, known as the Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rules, regulating air pollutant emissions from boilers, process heaters, and solid waste incinerators.  It requires the EPA Administrator to put forward new Boiler MACT rules and finalize them 15 months after enactment of the legislation. 

AMENDMENT #1537 – Keystone XL Pipeline Authorization (Senator Hoeven)

This amendment provides Congressional authorization to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. to construct, connect, operate, and maintain the Keystone XL Pipeline to import crude oil and other hydrocarbons into the U.S. from Canada.  This authorization is made in accordance with Section 8, Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which delegates to Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations.  This approves the pipeline
