John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Republicans Are Committed to Protecting Americans, Not Obamacare

“We’re working to form a transition to get people away from the president’s health care law, away from Obamacare, and give them more freedom, more choice, more flexibility.”

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), delivered the following remarks at a press conference with Senate Republican leadership:

“Today, President Obama said that the website was a ‘well-documented disaster.’

“Well, the president may have another disaster on his hands if the Supreme Court rules that the health care law actually means what it says.

“So, the question is what are the Republicans going to do about that?

“Republicans are committed to helping to protect these six million individuals who may be losing their coverage and their subsidies as a result of the Supreme Court ruling.

“We have been working for months on a policy to provide temporary support to those who trust the president.

“And the reason we want to do that is it’s not their fault. They were misled by the president on this in the same ways they’ve been misled throughout this whole process.

“The president promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. The president promised if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. But yet, millions and millions lost the coverage and the plan that they liked because of the law.

“The president promised that premiums would go down. Instead, we’re looking at double-digit increase premium costs again this year. And there is no end in sight.

“So, Republicans are committed to protecting the people, but not protecting the law.

“We’re working to form a transition to get people away from the president’s health care law, away from Obamacare, and give them more freedom, more choice, more flexibility.

“Republicans believe that we were elected to the majority to govern. We’re ready to do that.

“And now the president is going to have a choice: he can either work with us to help these people harmed by his law, or he can choose to stay dug in and stubborn.”
