John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: American Energy Means Wyoming Jobs

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Barrasso , R-Wyo., is working to increase energy production and create more jobs at home. Barrasso joined Republican Senators in introducing a sweeping energy bill that would stimulate domestic energy production and increase America ’s energy security.

“Every weekend at home in Wyoming , I hear clear messages about high energy costs,” Barrasso said. “Record oil prices are a burden whether it is for transportation, home heating or groceries. The issues of high prices and foreign dependence go hand in hand.”

“This bill hits the nail on the head when it comes to addressing America ’s energy needs. More specifically, it contains a number of clean coal provisions that will directly benefit Wyoming .”

“Coal is the most abundant, affordable, reliable and secure energy resource available. Never before has the need been so great to develop coal as a clean energy alternative. In a time of international threats and high gas prices, developing America ’s coal simply makes sense.

The bill will restore the traditional 50:50 mineral revenue sharing between the federal government and states. This provision alone could result in a restoration of $20 million in revenue for Wyoming annually.

The bill will also:

Impose a 6 billion gallon mandate for coal-derived fuels to be produced by 2022, starting at 750 million gallons in 2015.

Extend Department of Defense contract procurements for synthetic fuels from 5 years to 25 years.

Suspend acquisitions for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for 180 days after enactment.