John Barrasso

News Releases

Obama Admits Cap and Tax Scheme Will Cost Families $1,726 per year

Secret Obama report contradicts Democrats’ claims that Cap and Tax Won’t Cost Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The cap and tax schemes proposed by Democrats will cost families over $1,700 per year and cost taxpayers up to $200 billion according to a previously secret Obama Administration report. 

“This once-secret report confirms everything we already knew about the President’s energy tax scheme. This is yet another example of the Administration keeping secret the hidden costs of this energy tax,” Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said.

The secret document was made public only after the Competitive Enterprise Institute used the Freedom of Information Act to force its disclosure.

“Cap and tax will severely raise the energy costs of families. It will hurt our small and large businesses. It is bad for families, it is bad for jobs and it is bad for our economy.”

“The authors of the bill and the Administration will be delivering another blow to the American taxpayer.  This means destroying many red, white and blue jobs, and substituting a few green jobs in their place,” Barrasso said.

“President Obama promised transparency. Before passing climate change legislation that fundamentally changes the American economy and way of life, we must understand its financial impacts. The Administration must not hide the cost from the American taxpayer.”