John Barrasso

News Releases

Statement on the Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State

Issued by Senator John Barrasso – Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The United States faces challenges all around the world.

Mrs. Clinton must work to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and that U.S. funds are not used by individuals or organizations operating against the best interests of the United States.

She faces a significant challenge at the United Nations.  We should be leaders at the U.N. and take difficult votes.  Mrs. Clinton must uphold U.S. sovereignty and not compromise.  She must also be willing to stand up to our adversaries.

The War on Terrorism, a global financial crisis, Iran, the genocide in Sudan, and the Middle East peace process are just a few of the adversities facing our country and the globe.

At home our constitutional rights, such as the right to bear arms must be maintained against outside pressure.

I appreciate Mrs. Clinton’s willingness to serve our country as Secretary of State and her promise to work with Senators on both sides of the political aisle.
