John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Opposes Surface Mining Nominee

“Wyoming Wants Its Money”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator John Barrasso , R-Wyo., opposed the nomination of Brent Wahlquist to be Director of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement at the Department of Interior at today’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee meeting.

“The federal government owes Wyoming more than $500 million of accumulated AML funds – so far, they have failed to deliver,” Barrasso said. “ Wyoming wants its money.”

“I have asked the Administration and the nominee for assurance that Wyoming would get its money. The response I have received did little to alleviate my concerns.”

Abandoned Mine Land (AML) funds were collected over the past 30 years from mining operations in Wyoming . As part of the law establishing the reclamation program, half of the funds collected were to be returned to the State or Indian tribe.

President Bush nominated Wahlquist on June 28, 2007, to head the department responsible for the nation’s surface mining enforcement and abandoned mine land reclamation. The committee favorably reported the nomination, however Barrasso asked to be recorded as a “no” vote and voiced his concerns.

“The Office of Surface Mining is expected to issue their interim rules on the return of the AML funds sometime in mid-September. I will continue to push the nominee and the Administration to make sure Wyoming gets its money.”

Wyoming is set to receive more than $1.6 billion over the next 15 years. The stakes are too high to rush the nomination through without a commitment that the Office of Surface Mining and the Administration will honor the intent of Congress. Any uncertainty about the current law should be interpreted to favor the States and Indian tribes,” Barrasso said.

“Mr. Wahlquist and the Administration can resolve the situation very quickly. I will give them every opportunity to do so, and will fully support Mr. Wahlquist’s nomination once the situation has been resolved.”