John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Delivers Maiden Speech to Senate

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R-Wyo., today delivered his maiden speech to the U.S. Senate, which outlined his vision for Wyoming and laid out specific legislative efforts he will champion.

“In Wyoming , we believe the future is ours to shape,” Barrasso said. “Since taking office, I’ve heard from thousands of people all over the state about their hopes and dreams for their families, their communities, Wyoming and our nation. One theme has been universal: fight for Wyoming .” 

“I will fight for Wyoming everyday by championing quality education for our children, quality jobs for our families, affordable and accessible healthcare for our communities, and our core values.” 

Wyoming is blessed with incredible resources – coal, natural gas, and oil – and alternative sources of energy such as wind,” Barrasso continued. “The University of Wyoming ’s School of Energy Resources is prepared to become the leading energy research institute in the world. They are finding ways to convert coal to liquids, coal to gas, and pump carbon dioxide back into the earth to enhance oil recovery.”

“The world’s most powerful computer is being assembled in Wyoming to help make this possible. I believe we can and will develop new energy technologies while preserving the natural beauty and the wildlife of our state. That’s the future I see for Wyoming .” 

“I believe there is a role for government — but the role must be limited. Government should not do for people what they can do for themselves. Nor should government put obstacles in the way of people pursuing their American dream. That’s why I will champion legislation to cut wasteful spending and make sure taxpayers get value for their money.” 

“I will fight to help our hospitals and health care providers deliver quality care to our families in an environment with limited resources by co-sponsoring the ‘ Craig Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act’ and by joining the Senate Rural Health Caucus.” 

“I will work to make sure that public lands remain open to multiple use – while at the same time ensuring that our environment is protected. As an outdoorsman and a conservationist, Senator Craig Thomas worked on two bills affecting the western part of Wyoming that were very close to his heart.” 

“While he is not here to carry on the work, the work needs to continue as part of his legacy. One is called the ‘Snake River Headwaters Legacy Act of 2007.’  This bill will create a lasting legacy for Wyoming people and for future generations, while ensuring that access, multiple use and private property rights are not restricted.”

"As a tribute to Senator Thomas and in recognition of his years of leadership in the Senate and specifically the Energy committee, I will ask that my name be attached to S. 1281.”  

“The second bill affecting the western part of Wyoming deals with a very special area named the Wyoming range. As a strong supporter of multiple use, I still believe there are areas of our state that are so sensitive that they must be protected from development.” 

“I will soon be introducing a bill in the Senate to protect the undeveloped areas of the Wyoming range from any future oil and gas leasing. My legislation is intended to achieve that goal while respecting property rights that currently exist in the Wyoming range.” 

“I am humbled to be given the opportunity and the responsibility to represent the people of Wyoming in the United States Senate,” Barrasso concluded. “I will continue to work with all people, regardless of party, on issues that are important to the people of Wyoming .” 

“We just heard one of the best maiden speeches,” Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said following Barrasso’s speech. “On behalf of the Republican Conference, I congratulate Senator Barrasso on an outstanding opening address. Your skill-set in addition to your leadership abilities are certainly welcome here in the United States Senate.” 

“There’s a lot of work to be done out here teaching the east about the west, so that they understand that the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to government doesn’t work,” Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said. “I’m glad to have the help explaining Wyoming , as he did so aptly in this speech. He’s a tremendous asset to the United States Senate, and I’m very proud to welcome him as my colleague and part of the delegation.”

Watch video of the Senator’s Maiden Speech:   Part I      Part II