(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sens. David Vitter and John Barrasso today called attention to a damaging provision in both the Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer cap and trade bills that would require federal agencies to terminate permits and render carbon credits meaningless once an atmospheric parts per million (carbon dioxide equivalent) trigger has been reached. Under the mandates in sections 705 and 707, the president will be required to direct federal agencies to use existing statutory authority to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere below 450 ppm.
“This provision mandates that the president direct federal agencies to use all regulatory authority to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere,” said Vitter. “It also applies to ALL agencies and to ALL statutes. Purchasing or receiving all the credits in the world won’t matter because the government won’t be allowed to issue permits.”
“This is a direct threat to American businesses and American jobs,” Barrasso said. “Emergency powers are granted to the President in times of natural disaster, war or after events like the 9/11 attacks. The President should not have the power to pick winners and losers in our already struggling economy. The result will be tens of thousands of jobs lost, higher energy prices and no environmental benefit to show for it.”
Beginning in July 2015, the president will have no choice but to terminate further economic development requiring any form of federal permit as well as plan for reducing emissions based on China, India, and Russia’s economic growth. The administration will be mandated to shrink the U.S. economy while economic expansion occurs overseas.