John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso co-sponsors the Domestic Jobs, Domestic Energy, and Deficit Reduction Act of 2011

Energy bill increases domestic production, grows domestic jobs and decreases our national debt

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) today introduced their 3-D Act: The Domestic Jobs, Domestic Energy, and Deficit Reduction Act of 2011.  The 3-D Act would create more than 2 million jobs, $10 trillion in economic activity, and $2 trillion in federal tax receipts (conservative 30-year estimates).

“Yesterday, the president offered some vague platitudes, but no concrete plans to rein in rising gas prices, even as they climb toward $4 per gallon.  Today, we’re laying out a far different path by introducing our legislation.  The 3-D Act would unleash our vast domestic energy potential to create American jobs, help free us from our reliance on foreign oil and begin to reduce our $14 trillion dollar national debt. Louisianians know how our domestic energy supplies can be a powerful job-creating force, and dozens of energy producers are willing and able to begin work quickly and safely to develop those untapped resources,” said U.S. Sen. David Vitter. 

“Rising energy costs, unemployment and a $14 trillion dollar national debt are among the biggest challenges that our country is currently facing.  This legislation uniquely addresses all three by allowing for the development of domestic resources, which in turn will create thousands of well-paying jobs and begin immediately paying down our $14 trillion dollar debt.  There is no reason given our abundant domestic resources that we continue to rely on foreign and often unstable countries like Libya to meet our energy needs.  This legislation seeks to shift the paradigm from energy reliance to energy independence,” said U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop. 

“America has more energy reserves than any other nation in the world, and it’s time to get the government out of the way so we can fuel our economy,” said U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. “We can help create thousands of new jobs, spur economic growth and reduce the deficit without raising taxes. We simply need to cut through government bureaucracies that have stood in the way of our energy freedom. President Obama and Democrats need to stop appeasing the radical left with burdensome regulations that cripple our economy. This bill must be passed quickly so we can lower energy prices, grow our economy, and end our dependence on foreign countries for our nation’s energy needs.”

“Since taking office, the President has restricted our domestic supplies of oil and natural gas, championed failed cap-and-trade legislation, and allowed the EPA to begin imposing massive energy taxes through backdoor greenhouse gas regulations,” U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said. “This measure will take the boot off the neck of domestic energy producers and unlock our domestic energy potential.”

“Instead of announcing bold steps to fully develop America’s energy, President Obama set a long range energy goal without a realistic way to get there.  A great goal without a great strategy will be a great failure,” said Barrasso.  “Republicans have a better way forward that will ease the pain at the pump.  Our bill will help America develop all of the above energy, create jobs and lower the deficit,” said U.S. Sen. John Barrasso.

“We hear a lot about `green jobs,’ which can often mean another way of saying expensive government-subsidized jobs,” U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch said. “Our bill gets government out of the way of the real jobs that produce domestic energy our consumers can afford.  We’re talking about private jobs that not only reduce energy costs, but increase our energy security – jobs in Utah and across the nation that pay great salaries and generate huge revenues in royalties and taxes to our state and federal coffers. There is no quicker way to jumpstart our economy and reduce our budget deficit than to simply allow private industry to access our abundant, affordable energy sources.”

The 3-D act is intended to have a direct impact on America’s job, revenue and energy challenges by doing the following:

– Mandating OCS lease sales
– Opening up ANWR
– Requiring action on stalled onshore permits.
– Properly limiting time frame for environmental and judicial review.
– Blocking regulation of CO2 by administrative fiat.
– Creating an alternative energy trust fund.

The bill’s 28 Senate cosponsors include: Sens. Kyl, Cornyn, DeMint, Barrasso, Inhofe, Lee, Rubio, Coburn, Hatch, Coats, Cochran, Crapo, Ensign, Enzi, Roberts, Risch, Shelby, Wicker, Sessions, Graham, Isakson, Johnson, Hutchison, Blunt, Johanns, Moran, Hoeven, and Boozman.

The 3-D Act is endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Americans for Tax Reform, National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Limited Government and the Western Energy Alliance.