WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks about his health care law:
“The more the President tries to explain away the problems of his health care law, the worse it gets for the American people. They don’t need another press conference – they need to be able to see their doctor and get affordable care. Once again, the President totally ignored the real consequences of the law that are hurting so many Americans. He took no action to help people who will lose their coverage and their doctor, pay higher premiums and become victims of identity theft because of Obamacare.
“Republicans have always agreed that we needed to improve our health care system – we also knew we didn’t need to destroy it to reform it. While a very small group of Americans may benefit from the law, the rest of the country will suffer from higher costs and less access to care. This law is totally broken and needs to be suspended and replaced with a plan that will help all Americans get affordable, quality care.”