John Barrasso

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Barrasso Questions Secretary of the Interior Nominee David Bernhardt

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) questioned David Bernhardt, President Trump’s nominee to be the next secretary of the Interior. Barrasso pressed Bernhardt on soda ash royalty rates, lawsuits against the Department of the Interior (DOI), and improving communication among DOI, Congress and the states.

Bernhardt, who serves as the acting secretary of the Interior, testified at today’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing.

On Communication with Congress/States:

“Mr. Bernhardt, congratulations on your nomination.

“I really appreciated the opportunity to meet with you earlier this week to discuss your vision for the department under your leadership.

“Over the past two years, you have been instrumental in developing many important policies at Interior.

“You have been a champion of American energy dominance, simplifying complex reviews that have caused ‘analysis paralysis.’ Prior to that, you developed policy that recognizes the need for responsible multiple-use of our nation’s public lands.

“I really look forward to more of this good work on your part and at the Interior Department in the future.

“In terms of communicating with Congress and the states, during your nomination hearing for the current job you have in 2017, you emphasized your desire to work with stakeholders in developing policy, specifically identifying states and local communities as ‘partners.’

“Over the last several weeks, Interior has taken a number of actions that directly impact the way states and state land managers will work with Interior and other agencies.

“Should you be confirmed, how are you going to make sure you are communicating consistently with your state partners who are going to help you develop policies to address real, on-the-ground needs?

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Mr. Bernhardt on communication with Congress and states.

On Soda Ash Royalty Rate Reduction:

“Former Secretary Zinke made commitments to me and a number of other members of the House and Senate to take administrative action to lower the royalty rate on soda ash.

“The proposed rule hasn’t moved forward yet.

“Our natural soda ash producers continue to be undercut by cheap, Chinese synthetics and continue to hope that the commitment from the previous secretary will be realized.

“Will you commit to take the necessary actions to lower the soda ash royalty rate?

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Mr. Bernhardt on soda ash royalty rate reduction.

On Recent Grizzly Bear, BLM Leasing Court Decisions re: NEPA:

“I want to talk about some court decisions that are out there. Decisions made by Interior are no stranger to the courtroom.

“Last September, a court reinstated the ‘threatened’ status of the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem under the Endangered Species Act.

“Last week, the D.C. District Court ruled that the Bureau of Land Management didn’t adequately consider greenhouse gas emissions under NEPA. The District Court of Colorado issued a similar decision yesterday.

“Also yesterday, a case was filed in District Court in Idaho challenging the contents of the sage grouse records of decision and plan amendments, alleging violations of NEPA and other land management laws.

“While these cases consider different questions, they do represent areas where courts have historically been divided.

“As secretary, how do you plan to develop durable policy in a time where litigation seems to be the first response?

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Mr. Bernhardt on recent grizzly bear, BLM leasing court decisions re: NEPA.

On Communication with Internal Agencies:

“The department has issued several critical pieces of guidance and rules that improve the management of federal land.

“I realize there is some discretion afforded to on-the-ground managers who implement the policies to ensure the policies are effective at the state and the local level.

“As secretary, how will you communicate with BLM state directors and field office staff, because there is no BLM-specific nominated and confirmed director right now, to ensure that they clearly understand the intent of the Washington office?”

Click here for video of Sen. Barrasso questioning Mr. Bernhardt on communication with internal agencies.
