John Barrasso

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Barrasso Offers Amendment to NDAA to Speed Up LNG Exports to Ukraine & NATO Allies

“We can continue to watch Putin use natural gas as a weapon against our allies and partners, or we can take a meaningful step to help our friends. My amendment boosts the security of our NATO allies and friends around the world—does so through a peaceful means— doesn’t spend American tax dollars—all the while growing America’s economy.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), spoke on the Senate floor about his amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2016, that will speed up the decision-making process for exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries which do not have free trade agreements with the United States. 

Barrasso’s amendment #1582, would help countries like Ukraine, our NATO allies, and others access America’s vast supplies of natural gas. It specifically requires the Secretary of Energy to approve or disapprove LNG export applications within 45 days after the environmental review process is complete. 

Amendment #1582 is identical to S. 33, the LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act that Senator Barrasso introduced in January. S. 33 has six Democrat and nine Republican co-sponsors and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on the bill in January. 

Excerpts from Senator Barrasso’s remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate regarding his amendment:

“Mr. President, for years, we have witnessed Vladimir Putin—the President of Russia—wreak havoc across Europe. 

“Putin has invaded and carved up free, independent, democratic countries—Georgia and Ukraine. 

“He has bullied our friends in the European Union. He has intimidated our allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

“A principal weapon of Putin’s has been Russia’s energy supplies—specifically, natural gas. 

“Putin has used Russia’s natural gas to extort, to threaten, and to coerce our allies and our partners. 

“He has repeatedly shut off natural gas supplies to Ukraine and has retaliated against countries that have come to Ukraine’s aid.

“Mr. President, 21 countries import more than 40 percent of their natural gas from Russia.

“Of these 21 nations, 13 are members of NATO and five of these NATO members import nearly 100 percent of their gas from Russia. 

“I recently returned from Eastern Europe. Our NATO allies and European partners are desperate to find alternative sources of natural gas. 

“They are seeking to develop their own natural gas resources. 

“But amazingly Putin is funding activists who oppose hydraulic fracturing in Europe. It is clear Putin wants to keep our NATO allies dependent on Russian energy. 

“Our NATO allies have publicly called on Congress to help them access America’s natural gas. 

“And we can do that by adopting my amendment—#1582. 

“My amendment would help countries like Ukraine, our NATO allies, and others access America’s vast supplies of natural gas. 

“Specifically, it would ensure that the Secretary of Energy makes timely decisions on

applications to export liquefied natural gas or LNG.

“Under current law, exports of LNG to countries like our NATO allies are presumed to be in the public interest unless the Secretary finds otherwise. 

“But over the last several years, the Secretary’s decision-making process has been, at best, unpredictable. 

“My amendment would fix that. 

“Specifically, my amendment would require the Secretary to approve or disapprove LNG export applications within 45 days after the environmental review process is complete.

“My amendment would ensure that legal challenges to LNG export projects are resolved expeditiously.

“It would also require exporters to publicly disclose the countries to which LNG has been delivered. 

“In January of this year, the Energy Committee held a hearing on legislation that is identical to my amendment. 

“At that hearing, the Department of Energy (DOE) testified that my legislation is—quote: ‘a solution we will be able to comply with.’ 

“I’m encouraged by DOE’s support for this legislation.

“I’m also encouraged by the support of the National Association of Manufacturers and others who testified that LNG exports would create thousands of jobs across America and help reduce our nation’s trade deficit. 

“Mr. President, the United States is the world’s largest producer of natural gas.

“We have more than enough natural gas to meet our own needs and use our gas to bring about positive change throughout the world.

“But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what the Obama Administration has to say. 

“In February of this year, President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers stated that: ‘An increase in U.S. exports of natural gas would have a number of mostly beneficial effects on employment, U.S. geopolitical security, and the environment.’ 

“The President’s Economic Advisers said that LNG exports would create tens of thousands of jobs in the United States—jobs that: ‘would arise…in natural gas production [,] manufacturing [and] a range of sectors, including infrastructure investment, and transportation.’ 

“The President’s Economic Advisers also stated that U.S. LNG exports would have: ‘a positive geopolitical impact for the United States.’ 

“Specifically, they explained that U.S. LNG: ‘builds liquidity in the global natural gas market, and reduces European dependence on the current primary suppliers, Russia and Iran.’ 

“Again—these aren’t my words. This is from the White House. 

“Mr. President, Congress has a choice. 

“We can continue to watch Putin use natural gas as a weapon against our allies and partners, or we can take a meaningful step to help our friends. 

“My amendment boosts the security of our NATO allies and friends around the world—does so through a peaceful means— doesn’t spend American tax dollars—all the while growing America’s economy. 

“It’s a common sense amendment. I ask that all of the members to support it.”


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