John Barrasso

News Releases

‘Wyoming: Forever West’ Is 2010 US Capitol Christmas Theme

WASHINGTON, DC – US Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) today announced that “Wyoming: Forever West” will be the theme for the United States Capitol Christmas tree in 2010.

Barrasso secured the coveted opportunity for Wyoming in 2007. The Wyoming tree will be picked from the Bridger-Teton National Forest. It will stand in front of the US Capitol. 

“This is the first time in history that the Capitol Christmas tree will come from Wyoming,” Barrasso said.

“Wyoming is blessed with spectacular forests. It struck me as unusual that we had never provided the Capitol Christmas tree for the people of the United States to enjoy. I urged the US Forest Service to consider Wyoming – it didn’t take much convincing,” Barrasso said.

“Wyoming’s kids, schools and civic groups will be involved in preparing nearly 5,000 handmade ornaments which will decorate the tree along with 10,000 lights,” Senator Barrasso said.

“I am enormously proud that for the first time, Wyoming will have the opportunity to share our state’s natural beauty with the nation by providing the Capitol Christmas tree. Thousands of visitors gather to see the tree every year. Millions more see it in print and on television around the world,” Barrasso said.

Working with local officials, the US Forest Service will identify candidate trees, with the final selection being made by the US Architect of the Capitol. The decision is kept secret until the tree cutting. The tree cutting will be followed by an extensive road tour with events in communities throughout Wyoming. The tree will then be transported to Washington, DC.

“We have the opportunity to showcase Wyoming — the beauty of the land, the richness of our cultures and the talents and generosity of her people,” Barrasso said.