John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Blasts Democrats for Abandoning European Allies By Blocking Energy Security Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement after Senate Democrats blocked passage of his legislation that would help our European allies escape Russia’s energy trap.

Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.

Barrasso’s Energy Security Cooperation with Allied Partners in Europe (ESCAPE) Act, would expedite the export of American liquefied natural gas (LNG) to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries and defense allies.

“Today, Senate Democrats blocked an opportunity to stand up to Putin, help our European allies, and strengthen America’s energy security. They said no to a bill that our European allies have asked for to help them escape Russia’s energy trap.

“Putin is responsible for the death and destruction in his wake. He must be held accountable. One sledgehammer we can use against Putin is American energy resources. Reducing the amount of Russian energy going to Europe would hurt Russia’s economy. It’s time for Senate Democrats to get on board.

“Russia’s actions against Ukraine emphasize how important it is for America to be energy independent. Russia is Europe’s main energy supplier. The European Union receives over 40 percent of its gas imports from Russia. With natural gas prices increasing and oil surpassing $100 a barrel, more of our allies’ money will be lining the pockets of Putin.

“America must give our friends and allies an alternative to Vladimir Putin’s energy supply. We are much better off selling energy to our friends than having to buy it from our enemies. The United States – especially Wyoming – has abundant natural gas supplies. We just need to be allowed to produce it.

“Our national security is increased by reducing the potential leverage Russia holds over our allies. It is time for Congress to provide our NATO allies and defense treaty partners a better energy option. The Senate can start by passing the ESCAPE Act now.”
