John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: We Can Reopen Economy, Schools and Stay Healthy

“People have made great sacrifices. We all did what the experts said we needed to do. Now Americans are ready to get back to business and get back to work. People don’t want another shutdown.”

Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) recently spoke on the Senate floor about the need to reopen the economy and reopen schools.

Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:

“I come to the floor today to discuss our economic recovery.

“Let me be clear, our economy will not shut down again.

“Government will not forcibly close businesses for a second time.

“Yes, America is coming back from the coronavirus. The pre-pandemic economy was strong. It was healthy. And it was growing.

“Every part of the economy had record job growth.

“Unemployment was at a 50-year low.

“Shutting down the economy slowed the spread of the virus, but it did not eliminate it. It saved lives, and it brought us time.

“Reopening was never conditioned on having a vaccine. Nor was it conditioned on eliminating the virus entirely.

“Businesses large and small are today continuing to reopen, and they’re opening in a safe, scientific and sensible way.

“I saw it all across Wyoming the last two weeks as I traveled the state.

“In Casper and Cheyenne, main streets are busy again. Mom-and-pop businesses are bringing back workers.

“Cody was full of activity over the Fourth of July.

“Yellowstone is welcoming thousands of visitors, and people are heading to all of the activities in Thermopolis.

“The rodeos have been a huge success. Wyoming is literally back in the saddle again.

“Businesses all over the country are bouncing back and bringing back workers.

“In June the economy added nearly 5 million jobs. This shattered all forecasts.

“This was by far the largest-ever monthly jobs gain in United States history. More than 7 million people have been hired back in the last two months. May and June job creation set records.

“The recent rise in the new Covid-19 cases, to me as a doctor, is troubling. Still, it is no reason to stop reopening, as long as we open in a responsible way.

“People have made great sacrifices. We all did what the experts said we needed to do.

“Now Americans are ready to get back to business and get back to work. People don’t want another shutdown. And they most assuredly don’t want laws coming out of Congress that make it easier to stay closed and harder to reopen.

“As a doctor, I know we can flatten the virus curve without flattening, or flat lining, the economy.

“People can resume normal life and stay healthy.

“The key, of course, is for all of us to do our part and take the proper precautions. And we know what they are: social distancing, good hygiene and of course, wearing masks.

“As a doctor, I know masks help lower the infection spread, especially indoors when we can’t socially distance.

“Together, we can manage the risk, and as a nation, we can move forward.

“Millions of Americans are returning to work and doing it safely.

“Congress’s rapid response to the pandemic back in March set this recovery in motion.

“Medical workers now have better tools for virus testing, for treating the disease and for developing a vaccine.

“Americans are doing everything they can to protect the most vulnerable.

“We’re taking care of seniors and people with chronic medical conditions.

“The country is conducting a record number of tests.

“More than 45 million people have been tested. I think the number is now close to 50 million. Well over 700,000 tests each day.

“Widespread testing allows us to pinpoint virus hotspots. So that we’re able to surge aid where it is most needed.

“Hospitals now have more effective Covid-19 treatments.

“I’ve talked to doctors around the state of Wyoming and around the country.

“We’re seeing incredible progress in vaccine trials.

“A successful vaccine is vital to beating the virus.

“Now, it’s key to the economic comeback as well.

“Scientists hope to have a vaccine ready in record time, actually before the end of this calendar year.

“All this progress has given businesses the confidence to reopen and to put people back to work.

“A solid majority of Americans now will tell you that they see their finances as being stable.

“Consumer spending the last two months has been way up. Manufacturing has started to take off again.

“Simply put, the pro-health, pro-jobs policies that this Senate has put in place, those policies, are working.

“And we’re only getting started.

“Now Congress must build on the CARES Act successes.

“The next bill, the one that we’re working on now, cannot be a bloated bailout bonanza. We will not pass Speaker Pelosi’s bill from ‘handout heaven’.

“No, the next aid measure must be focused. It must be focused on health care and safety and schools and jobs.

“Here’s my three-part test for the next pandemic package: Will it save lives? Will it save lives: testing, treatment, vaccines, and I’m very optimistic at what I’ve seen about the research with the new vaccine.

“Will it protect our medical community and small businesses and schools from frivolous lawsuits? 3,500 have already been filed across the country by sue and settle lawyers focused on coronavirus.

“And will it get people back to work and children back to school safely?

“We must help schools reopen in a safe way.

“Children need to get back to school. It’s essential for their well-being. That’s why the nation’s pediatricians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, are urging schools to reopen, and they say with the children physically present.

“Remote learning we know for very young people has not worked. Children cannot lose another year of school. To lose a full year of school for these young people would be devastating. It would be a learning loss as well as a loss of the ability to learn and making it that much harder to pick up further down the line.

“And if kids aren’t in school, many parents can’t go back to work. Most people with their jobs cannot work from home.

“So I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, the Democrat colleagues, to join us, to join our effort to reopen our economy and reopen our schools.”
