John Barrasso

News Releases

Wyoming and the U.S. Senate Celebrate Mike Enzi

(Photo of Sen. Barrasso’s note in Sen. Enzi’s Senate Condolence Book)

GILLETTE, WY – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) joined thousands of people from across the country, including a bipartisan group of U.S. senators, in celebrating the life and legacy of former U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.).

The U.S. Senate recently unanimously approved a resolution honoring Senator Enzi and his remarkable service to Wyoming and the country.

Barrasso released the following statement that he wrote in tribute to Senator Enzi in the official Senate Condolence Book:

“Mike was my colleague, my mentor and my friend.

“He was the big brother I never had.

“He was my trail boss and I loved riding shotgun for him.

“I looked to him for advice on life and on legislating.

“He loved God, his family and Wyoming.

“He was God’s perfect messenger for Wyoming and Christ’s values – not just because he conveyed the message so well, but because he embodied it in the life he led on earth.

“May he rest in peace.”
