John Barrasso

News Releases

Delegation praises BLM for keeping horse gathering money roped in Wyoming

Washington, D.C. – Wyoming’s 4,100 strong wild horse population will be more likely to reach a more manageable number thanks to a decision by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Jim Caswell, to keep Wyoming’s money in the state instead of diverting the funds to Nevada, as previously planned.

Less than two weeks after the Wyoming delegation wrote a letter to Director Caswell, urging him not to shift Wyoming’s funds to Nevada, Caswell announced the money will stay in Wyoming.

U.S. Senators Mike Enzi, John Barrasso and U.S. Representative Barbara Cubin, all R-Wyo., praised the decision and worked to ensure the BLM fulfills its commitment to the people of Wyoming and does not jeopardize the progress made in recent years with Wyoming ’s wild horse populations.

The Oct. 25 delegation letter to Director Caswell is below.

Director Jim Caswell
Bureau of Land Management
1849 C Street,
Mail Stop 5655
Washington, DC  20240

Director Caswell:

We strongly disagree with your recent decision to redirect funding for wild horse management from Wyoming to Nevada .  This decision overturns years of goodwill and good management in our state.  The wild horse population in Wyoming is approaching manageable levels for the first time in decades.  Diverting funding from Wyoming’s Wild Horse and Burro Program at this eleventh hour jeopardizes the progress made in recent years and threatens to send Wyoming ’s wild horse populations soaring once again.

As you know, it took a court order in 2003 for the BLM to begin adequately managing Wyoming’s wild horse populations.  Over 10,000 animals have been gathered from our rangelands in the past four years.  This effort has been successful in bringing the population down from record numbers to approximately 4,100 animals.  The State of Wyoming and Bureau of Land Management have agreed that a population of 2,700 to 3,700 wild horses and burros is the appropriate management level.  Your proposal to divert funding is contradictory to that objective.

As you know, managing wild horse populations is a dynamic process.  The animals naturally reproduce each year, increasing populations an average of 20% per year.  Your decision to divert funding from Wyoming ’s management program will allow the wild horse population to balloon and increase the cost of future management efforts.  This scenario is unacceptable for both the people and the rangelands of Wyoming .  BLM must be proactive and gather horses in Wyoming before populations increase beyond what our state can support.

It is the responsibility of the BLM to fulfill its commitment to the people of Wyoming. We urge you to reconsider the Wild Horse and Burro Program’s management plan for the 2007-2008 season.


Senator Mike Enzi
Senator John Barrasso
Representative Barbara Cubin