John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Questions Accountability of Federal Oil Plan

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Barrasso, R-Wyo., pushed Administration officials to explore new avenues to ensure American energy security.  The Senator questioned federal bureaucrats during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing.

Washington should not buy vast quantities of oil with prices at historic highs.  It simply does not make sense,” Barrasso said.  “We must use taxpayer dollars wisely and invest in our long term energy security.”  Barrasso noted that the Administration’s plan would require putting an additional 70 000 barrels of oil into reserve everyday for the next 30 years – regardless of price.

The hearing examined U.S. oil inventory policies, including proposals to immediately increase the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).  The SPR is a federal emergency oil reserve designed to lessen the impact of an oil supply crisis to the United States .

“Folks in Wyoming are no strangers to $100 per barrel oil and what it does to their pocket books,” Barrasso said. “Our nation is increasingly reliant on fossil fuels imported from overseas.  This reliance constitutes a very real threat to our national security and economy. We simply must do more to secure alternative approaches to energy security.”

“I support the goal of promoting America ’s energy security. But like any federal program, I believe the government must ensure a high level of accountability.”  Senator Barrasso has regularly repeated his interest in investing in clean coal-to-liquids technology.  This investment could also reduce America ’s reliance on foreign imports.

“It is my hope that we can move in a direction that ensures both strategic protection and accountability,” Barrasso said.