Studies Show that EPA Regulations Cost Americans Their Jobs and Their Health
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U. S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo), Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, released a Subcommittee report entitled “Red Tape Making Americans Sick” which details the health impacts of high unemployment. The report specifically cites several studies that show that extreme regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cost Americans their jobs and their health.
The report comes in advance of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s testimony today before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Senator Barrasso released the following statement about the report’s findings:
“Obama administration officials regularly try to justify their excessive red tape by citing misleading and incomplete health statistics. Meanwhile, they completely ignore how these exact same regulations destroy jobs and communities. When Americans lose their jobs, their health and the health of their children suffers. The EPA should immediately stop pushing expensive regulations that put Americans out of work and into the doctor’s office.”
Key Findings and Recommendations from the Report:
• Congressional testimony and scientific research reveals that unemployment from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations:
> Increases the likelihood of hospital visits, illnesses, and premature deaths in communities due to joblessness.
> Raises healthcare costs, raising questions about the claimed health savings of EPA’s regulations.
> Hurts children’s health and family well-being.
• EPA claims of health benefits from current and future Clean Air Act regulations are misleading and incomplete. The agency must adequately examine the negative health implications of unemployment into their cost-benefit analysis before making health benefit claims to the public and Congress.
• The Full Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety should conduct additional hearings to responsibly investigate the health implications of higher unemployment as a result of federal regulations.