John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Statement on Senate Border Proposal

CASPER, WY – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement on the Senate border proposal.

“For three years President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats fought against every attempt to protect Americans from the crisis at our Southern Border. The results of their open-border policies have been predictable and deadly. In those three years, there have been 8.8 million illegal border crossings. Joe Biden’s surrender to cartels, drug dealers, and criminals has made every American less safe.

“Senator Lankford worked relentlessly to change the course of this crisis. He fought for us to close the border and for a return to policies that stop the flood of illegal immigration. Joe Biden and Senate Democrats failed him and failed the country.

“The proposed legislation does not meet most Americans’ standard of securing our border now. It doesn’t force the Biden administration to end its abuse of current law. It leaves in place a number of the Democrat-created incentives that are fueling the crisis.

“President Biden and Senator Schumer will never accept the significant changes required for American safety and border security. Joe Biden will never enforce any new law and refuses to use the tools he already has today to end this crisis. I cannot vote for this bill. Americans will turn to the upcoming election to end the border crisis.”
