John Barrasso

News Releases

Delegation joins state in mourning Hansen’s passing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi, John Barrasso and Representative Cynthia Lummis, all R-Wyo., mourned the passing of former Wyoming senator and governor Cliff Hansen. They made the following comments about his life and service to Wyoming.

“The state of Wyoming has lost a great leader. Diana and I have always looked to Cliff and Martha as role models. When I first got to Washington, a significant part of my staff had worked for Senator Hansen. I learned from him through them. I have followed his astounding career and know what he has done for Wyoming and America, as a senator, governor and business man,” said Enzi.

“The story of Wyoming and the life of Cliff Hansen are intertwined – a pioneer state and its patriarch. People often say that Wyoming is what America was. Cliff Hansen was the independent spirit, the rugged cowboy that helped make her great. Cliff Hansen was a legendary Wyoming figure who will be missed terribly. Bobbi and I offer our deepest condolences to the Hansen and Mead families – especially to his beloved Martha, his wife of more than 75 years. They were role models for all of us,” said Barrasso.

 “Cliff Hansen was a living icon,” Lummis said. “He exemplified the quintessential Wyoming life through his humor, humility and complete devotion to family, community and country. His vision and passion for our state and its people are a testament to his career in public service. Al and I join all of Wyoming’s people in celebrating his life and gratefully acknowledge what Cliff and Martha accomplished for all of us. Every time I see the statue on the Wyoming Capitol lawn of the calf kicking up its heels, which is dedicated to Cliff and Martha, I will remember what a privilege it was to have known him.”