John Barrasso

News Releases

Forest Service Responds to Delegation Letter – Agrees to Public Meetings

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso and Representative Barbara Cubin, all R-Wyo., praised action by the Forest Service to heed the delegation’s call to take into account the thoughts of area residents with the proposed office relocation of the Bridger-Teton National Forest Supervisor’s Office in Jackson.

“We are encouraged by the Forest Service announcement that public listening sessions will be scheduled in Jackson, Afton and Alpine in the coming weeks,” the delegation said.  “We received a letter in response to our repeated calls for an open, public process to choose a location for the Bridger-Teton National Forest Supervisor’s Office.” 

“Public involvement is the most powerful tool for effective management of our nation’s public lands.  We are pleased that the Forest Service has decided to consult the public, and we encourage all interested Wyoming residents to make their voices heard over the coming weeks.”

Today the Forest Service formally responded to a letter from the delegation stating its intent to hold public meetings in addition to the previous stake holder meetings. In a Nov. 29 letter to the Forest Service Regional Director the delegation stated that it is critical to consider the concerns of the community and gather local input before making a decision on the office relocation.