John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Bill Defends America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs

“I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Washington doesn’t impose cap and trade policies in any form.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo) introduced the Defending America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs Act (S. 228). The bill would stop Washington bureaucrats from regulating greenhouse gases for the purpose of addressing climate change without specific Congressional authorization.  Barrasso’s bill has 10 co-sponsors, including Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo).  For a full list of cosponsors click here.  

“It’s time for the Administration to face the facts: Americans rejected cap and trade because they know it means higher energy prices and lost jobs,” said Barrasso.  “Washington agencies are now trying a backdoor approach to regulate our climate by abusing existing laws.  Congress must step in and stand up for the American people.   My bill will shrink Washington’s job crushing agenda and grow America’s economy.  I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Washington doesn’t impose cap and trade policies in any form.”


The Defending America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs Act restores the role of the U.S. Congress in the development and implementation of the nation’s climate and energy policy.  

The bill pre-empts federal restrictions on greenhouse gasses in the name of addressing climate change, in the absence of explicit Congressional Authorization.  This would necessarily include mandatory requirements that may stem from applications of the Clean Air and Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act.

The bill also precludes legal action against sources of greenhouse gasses solely based on their possible contribution to climate change.  

There are two exceptions:

1)    Regulations for mobile sources such as cars and trucks will continue, but those regulations will now be managed by the Department of Transportation, not EPA.

2)    Any greenhouse gas that is a direct threat to human health because of direct exposure to that gas could still be regulated, just not solely based on climate change.  This provision would ensure that polluters of health threatening gasses would still be held accountable under the law.

The bill does not preempt states from enacting greenhouse gas or climate change mandates.  

The bill has been endorsed by Americans for Tax Reform, Americans for Prosperity, the Western Business Roundtable, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Freedom Action and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

Senator Barrasso is a member of both the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.