John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: President’s Energy Plan is “One Step Forward, Three Steps Back”

Questions the Administration’s decision to leave America’s vast oil and natural gas resources out of reach

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) issued the following statement today in response to the Administration’s announcement regarding American oil and gas exploration:   

“While I appreciate that the President has finally allowed some additional areas for exploration, he continues to leave large amounts of America’s oil and gas resources off limits.  The Administration’s proposal is one step forward and three steps backwards for all-of-the-above energy development.  

“Since $4 gas prices two years ago, the American people have sent a clear message to Washington – develop more American energy.  Expanding the responsible exploration of offshore oil and natural gas reserves would create the red, white and blue jobs that power our country.  It would also generate revenues to help balance the budget and reduce our dependence on foreign energy. 

“By not fully embracing America’s offshore energy resources, the Administration has missed a critical opportunity to create new jobs and increase our energy security.   The American people deserve more than window dressing.  I will continue to call on the President to propose a robust comprehensive energy plan.” 

Senator Barrasso currently serves on both the Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Environment and Public Works Committee.