John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: President Must Address ISIS Threat Today – Not Climate Change

“The president and his national security team must deliver strong leadership and an effective strategy—a strategy to fight the terrorists who want to attack our country and kill more Americans. This should be the focus of the president’s speech today. This should be our most pressing national security concern.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) previewed President Obama’s scheduled speech at the United States Coast Guard Academy on climate change’s impact on our national security. 

Excerpts of his remarks: 

“Today, President Obama is heading to Connecticut, where I understand he is going to be addressing the graduates of the Coast Guard Academy.

“He plans to talk about threats to our national security. 

“I think many Americans would be astonished to learn that the president’s planned discussion on national security is going to center on climate change. 

“After all, Americans understand that there are much more immediate threats facing our nation.  

“The fall of Ramadi in Iraq, the brutal terrorist attacks by ISIS, these are clear examples of the real threats that must be addressed by President Obama.  

“I’d encourage the president to spend his time today addressing America’s most pressing national security threats.

“The president and his national security team must deliver strong leadership and an effective strategy—a strategy to fight the terrorists who want to attack our country and kill more Americans.  

“This should be the focus of the president’s speech today. This should be our most pressing national security concern.”


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