Wyoming delegation announces more than $2.7 million in grants for Wyoming airports
WASHINGTON – Travelers flying through Buffalo, Greybull, Rock Springs and Saratoga will soon enjoy improved air travel thanks to four federal airport grants worth more than $2.7 million, announced U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso and U.S. Representative Barbara Cubin, all R-Wyo.
Johnson County Airport, South Big Horn County Airport, Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Airport and Shively Field Airport are all set to receive major improvement grants from the Federal Aviation Administration. The funds will be used for projects such as improving runways, conducting aeronautical surveys, and designing additional facilities.
“In a state where it may be hundreds of miles to the next town, it’s critical that our residents, businesses and visitors have access to local air travel. I am pleased these four airports will receive the funds they need to continue providing their communities with quality and convenient flying experiences,” Enzi said.
“Air travel to and from these communities provide critical access for many Wyoming residents,” Barrasso said. “These grants will enable the airports to improve safety and construct vital new facilities.”
“Our airports serve a vital role in connecting us with our neighbors across the state and the nation. The more accessible and up-to-date our airports are, the more our businesses and economies will thrive. I am pleased to hear of the additional grants, which will mean greater opportunities for all Wyoming,” said Cubin.
Below are the details of the individual grants:
– Johnson County Airport in Buffalo: $1,075,320 for runway rehabilitation.
– South Big Horn County Airport in Greybull: $1,532,634 to improve the runway safety area.
– Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Airport in Rock Springs: $88,350 to design a building for storing snow removal and maintenance equipment at the airport.
– Shively Field Airport in Saratoga: $50,000 to conduct an aeronautical survey of the end of the runway to determine a new approach for pilots flying into the airport.