John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Gets Commitment from UN Ambassador Nominee to Preserve Second Amendment

WASHINGTON – Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) instructed United Nations Ambassador nominee, Susan Rice, to ensure she preserves the gun rights of United States citizens while serving as U.S. representative to the U.N.

"As our nation’s top representative to the United Nations, the next United States U.N. Ambassador has an important responsibility to defend and protect our citizens’ second amendment rights from international gun control."

The U.N. has introduced an “Arms Trade Treaty,” which could threaten U.S. citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. The treaty doesn’t recognize a county’s sovereignty and could impose restrictions on gun ownership and place strict registration requirements on law abiding U.S. citizens.

"The U.N. should not be interfering with our second amendment rights," Barrasso said. "The second amendment is not only right, it is a value and way of life we hold dear in Wyoming,"

Barrasso is a life member of the National Rifle Association.