John Barrasso

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On Meet the Press, Barrasso Remembers Pres. Bush, Discusses Russia and New NAFTA Trade Deal

“Putin is somebody that respects strength and territory. Words don’t mean much to him, action does. I think we need to do more. I’ve called for sending ships to the Black Sea—and have NATO do it as well. To show the people of Ukraine that we are with them. To show Russia that international law must be followed.”

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) appeared on “Meet the Press” this morning to remember former President George H.W. Bush and to talk about Russia’s increased aggression toward Ukraine. Barrasso also discussed the new NAFTA trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada.

Below are key excerpts of the interview:

On President George H.W. Bush’s Legacy:

“You know, my memories of President Bush are his times in Wyoming, in my hometown of Casper, in Jackson Hole and how kind he was to children. Bending down, looking in, listening to them. You know, he treated everyone with—everyone got a smile, everyone got a handshake, everyone got respect. And he never rested in his work and dedication to the American people and now may he rest in peace.

On Pres. Trump Not Meeting with Russian Pres. Putin:

“I think it was the right call not to meet. Putin is somebody that respects strength and territory. Words don’t mean much to him, action does. I think we need to do more. I’ve called for sending ships to the Black Sea—and have NATO do it as well. To show the people of Ukraine that we are with them. To show Russia that international law must be followed.

“But in terms of lethal weapons for Ukraine, we’ve given them anti-tank, we need to give them anti-aircraft, we need to give them weapons also in terms of anti-ship. Putin respects strength and action. He will not stop until he is stopped. He can smell fear and that’s the way he acts.

On What’s Next with Countering Russia Aggression:

“Any kind of action has to be a deterrence and a deterrence has to be a forceful response. Not just saying something to Putin. He’s cunning, he’s opportunistic, he’s aggressive. He probes for weakness and then he takes it further. That’s what his position has been with Ukraine. He treats Ukraine as a guinea pig. He tries something there and then says I can try it other places.

“Putin’s powers are three: cyber, as well as energy, as well as his military. We need to do everything we can to become more energy independent and dominant, to use that energy, and I think we need NATO’s involvement as well. Angela Merkel ought to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline because she’s addicted to Russian energy.

On New NAFTA Trade Agreement:

“I’m a free trader, I’m a fair trader, I want to be a smart trader. I think the president has proven to be a successful trader. We saw it with his arrangement and visit at the G20 with the president of Mexico and the president of Canada and then just last night, what’s happened with China and putting the pause button there on the trade war with that, with more products heading to China, agriculture, energy products. Everything the president has promised he’s delivered on and these are going to be helpful to the economy and people at home.

On Passing New NAFTA in Congress Before Cancelling Old NAFTA:

“I think we should see if we can get it passed first. I want to see how many Democrat votes come on board for this. I support what the president has been doing.”
