John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: We Need Real, Sensible Justice Reform

“I believe rather than defund, we must defend the police as appropriate and make sure that we invest more in law enforcement, not less. We need to improve police training, accountability, transparency, recruiting and community engagement.”

Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) spoke on the Senate floor about the JUSTICE Act, a bipartisan bill that will implement important, substantial reforms to the justice system.

Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:

“I come to the floor today to discuss the Senate plan for justice reform.

“First, it’s important to note that justice will not come from any community with lawlessness.

“It will not come from any community with a disregard for law and order.

“It will not come from any community with radical cuts in police budgets in cities like New York and Los Angeles.

“It will not come from any community that defunds the police.

“These are not the solutions that Americans are seeking, yet I see headlines from around the country with pictures of those demonstrating and applauding Democrat politicians who are calling for defunding of the police.

“The Democrat politicians who are demanding not just defunding but dismantling the police in their own communities.

“That will not work. And the American people see it, and they know it.

“In fact, a new ABC poll finds 64 percent of Americans oppose these dangerous, liberal ideas like defunding the police. 60 percent oppose police department budget cuts.

“Liberal leaders, meanwhile, they’ve let anarchists occupy part of Seattle. Turn on the t.v. you can see what’s happening there. They’ve actually burned down a police precinct. They called this area CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

“Can you imagine such a thing?

“Now they’ve renamed it to CHOP, which stands for the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.

“Whatever they want to call it, to me and to Americans all across the country, it is still criminal lawlessness. Democrats and Republicans need to stand up to these dangerous radicals.

“We must never defund or disband the police. Never.

“Defunding police departments is a dangerous idea. Violent crime will spike. Call ‘911’ and no one will be there to respond to your emergency.

“I believe rather than defund, we must defend the police as appropriate and make sure that we invest more in law enforcement, not less.

“We need to improve police training, accountability, transparency, recruiting and community engagement, and that is what the Republican bill does.

“House Democrats have written a very partisan bill aimed at making over and taking over policing in America.

“Democrats’ plan would nationalize the police and without adequate funding.

“The truth is, the House isn’t even in session. Their plan was written in secret.

“House Democrats didn’t consult Republicans, and apparently, didn’t even consult a number of their own members. They didn’t plan to debate the bill and don’t plan to debate it for a couple of weeks.

“Republicans, on the other hand, have been working, listening, and we’re leading.

“Our effort is led by Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina.

“We have developed what I believe is a smart plan and a workable solution.

“The bill is called the JUSTICE Act. It’s written to garner bipartisan support, and I hope some of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join in this effort.

“This is a sensible measure that will make bipartisan justice reform a reality.

“It’s not a political exercise. It’s practical legislation, and it deserves to become law.

“And so I hope Democrats will join in the effort.

“The JUSTICE Act includes a number of very important reforms.

“It provides for every police officer in the country to use body cameras to curb the unnecessary use of force. I will tell you I believe that body cameras have made a difference in changing the hearts of Americans all across the country.

“It requires states that receive federal grants to report details of all uses of force causing death or serious injury.

“For the first time, we will have real, actionable data.

“It promotes greater access to officer employment records to improve hiring practices. This prevents bad officers from moving from one department to another.

“It provides funds to help police departments recruit and hire officer candidates that better reflect the diversity of the communities in which they serve.

“It requires higher standards for police to obtain and use ‘no-knock’ search warrants.

“These warrants will allow officers to enter homes without announcing their presence.

“Our bill creates two commissions to report back to Congress: A new commission on civil rights will study and report on ways to address issues affecting black men and boys.

“And a criminal-justice commission, modeled on the 9/11 Commission, will recommend criminal-justice reforms. The Senate has already passed this commission, and we’ve done it unanimously. We sent it to the House and they have failed to act.

“Our bill also requires police training on de-escalation tactics and alternatives to the use of force.

“I believe The JUSTICE Act is important legislation. I’d like to see it on the floor in the very near future.

“Still, there are limits to federal action. Law enforcement is governed by state laws and is largely managed by local officials.

“State and local leaders must step up and do their part.

“With the JUSTICE Act, we have taken an essential step forward in what we all realize is a necessary process.

“So I urge all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this plan for necessary justice reform.”
