Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) today voted against an energy bill that rejects America’s vast domestic energy resources.
“The Senate Energy Committee missed an opportunity to move America towards energy independence. Quite simply, this bill rejects American energy. It allows foreign oil and energy producers to continue their grip on our country,” Barrasso said after voting no on the bill.
“The bill rejects nuclear power and virtually ignores the enormous potential in our American oil and gas reserves.”
Barrasso sits on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The Committee voted 15 – 8 to advance the bill. Opposition to the energy bill came from both Republicans and Democrats.
“The bill also tramples the private property rights of landowners in Wyoming and across the country,” Barrasso said.
Under provisions in the bill, Washington is given additional authority to site new transmission lines using eminent domain.
“This federal power grab is unnecessary. Condemning private land for transmission lines is not something Washington should do. There are laws on the books in Wyoming and most states governing the use of this power. State law, and not the long arm of Washington, should decide when eminent domain is justified,” Barrasso said.
“I support the positive efforts on energy conservation and efficiency. Instead of trying to pick energy winners and losers, we need to focus on developing all of America’s abundant energy resources.”