WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) discussed modernizing and improving customer service at the Social Security Administration (SSA) with President Trump’s nominee to be the Commissioner of the SSA, Frank Bisignano.
Barrasso secured a commitment from Bisignano to work with him to eliminate burdensome regulations and red-tape for seniors and Americans with terminal illnesses. They also talked about the importance of ensuring clarity around reported SSA Field Office closures and best ways to modernize the agency.
Mr. Bisignano’s nomination hearing was held today at the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.
On Fixing Social Security Issues for Seniors:
“Congratulations on your nomination. I think you’re the right person for the job.
“I appreciate the chance we’ve had to meet and to visit because in Wyoming, clearly, Social Security is critical to the people of our state and our aging population. I travel the state, I hear from individuals all around, and they depend upon the viability of the program.
“We’re looking for you to continue to make sure that people of Wyoming and people all across the country continue to receive the benefits that they’ve earned, they’ve paid into.
“I think it’s critical that the program remains strong. We should keep our promises to current beneficiaries as well as to future generations. In order to do that, there are a number of issues that I think need to be addressed.
“The Social Security Administration needs to focus on improving customer services. It needs to reduce wait times and backlogs, and modernize and streamline technology and prevent improper payments. I think you’re the right person to fix these problems.
“Are you committed to doing everything you can to strengthen the Social Security program and to helping our seniors?”

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.
On Reported Closures of SSA Field Offices:
“We talked here recently about some of the problems with the press’ reporting that are just plain wrong. And they might have looked at lists, and as the previous senator from New Mexico said, ‘I read articles that say this,’ well, he may be reading articles that say that, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct.
“And the case in point is, we have a Social Security office in Rock Springs, Wyoming – Sweetwater County. People depend upon it. And I understand that there is a hearing room that is hardly ever used. And they want to close the hearing room, but not the field office.
“Well, yet what gets reported in the news is the whole thing is going to be closed. Well, there’s no truth to that whatsoever as my office looked into it.
“So, I think it’s incumbent on people to, if they can’t get a direct answer, go to one of your representatives and let them try to check into it. But I’m sure you’ve seen case after case of similar misrepresentation in the press.”

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.
On Cutting Red Tape for Terminally Ill Americans:
“Under current law, individuals who are given less than six months to live, they’re currently forced to wait more than five months to receive their Social Security, disability, and insurance benefits.
“Over the last several Congresses, I’ve been working on a bipartisan basis across the aisle on legislation to help these people with terminal illnesses receive timely access to benefits.
“People facing terminal illnesses shouldn’t be worrying about whether or when they’re going to receive the benefits that they need, especially when they have so little time to live and they, by law, have to wait six months.
“That’s why I’ve cosponsored legislation called the Expedited Disability Insurance Payments for Terminally Ill Individuals Act. It ends the five-month disability insurance waiting period for those diagnosed with a terminal illness that have less than six months to live.
“It ensures people with terminal illnesses receive disability benefits in a timely manner while still preserving the integrity of the system.
“Last year, 30,000 people died waiting for their disability decisions from the Social Security Administration, of course under the previous administration.
“The last thing people need to deal with when they’re facing these end-of-life decisions should be trying to work their way through the red tape of the Social Security Administration. Americans and loved ones facing significant hardships should get help when they need it the most.
“Do you have views on the need to streamline and expedite these SSDI benefits for terminally ill individuals?”
“Will you commit to working with me and my office – including providing technical assistance as needed – on making sure that we can get through this red tape?
“In terms of improving customer service – and my colleague from New Mexico was just asking the same thing about how the average wait times on the national 800 numbers doubled from about 20 minutes in 2019 to over 40 minutes in 2024 under the last administration. What are your plans for addressing performance management and improving customer service?
“What’s the biggest obstacle that you might face in trying to upgrade the systems and the infrastructure as you just talked about with the technology?”

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.