WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) spoke out against the fact that tomorrow marks the 1,000th day since Senate Democrats have last offered a budget plan.
“1,000 days without a budget – and 1,000 reasons the American people want better leadership in Washington.
“Passing a budget is one of our most basic and important responsibilities. Under Democratic leadership, the Senate has now gone almost three years without presenting the American people with a budget. This is unacceptable and irresponsible. Meanwhile, Washington has spent $9.4 trillion and added $4.1 trillion in gross federal debt.
“Until Democrats in the Senate pass a responsible budget, Washington will never learn to live within its means. American families and job creators deserve better. They need a blueprint of how Washington intends to spend their hard earned tax dollars.
“It’s time for the Democrat-led Senate to lead. We need a budget that cuts spending, shrinks Washington and delivers certainty to America’s job creators.”