John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Achieves One Year Milestone in Senate

Senator Works for Wyoming Interests, Families, and Economy

WASHINGTON – June 25 marks U.S. Senator John Barrasso’s, R-Wyo., first year as Wyoming’s United States Senator.

“Since being sworn one year ago, my focus has been fighting for Wyoming – fighting for our people and our priorities,” Barrasso said. “I hit the ground running.  Whether it’s fighting for federal money owed to Wyoming, or holding the line on federal spending; my priority is the people of Wyoming.”

In the past year, Barrasso has criss-crossed the state to meet and listen to constituents in 23 Wyoming counties — holding a total of 44 town meetings.

Barrasso has upheld his pledge to, “live in Wyoming and work in Washington.”  During his first year, Barrasso returned to the state at every opportunity – including each weekend. In his DC office, Barrasso has met with over 1000 Wyoming constituents.

The travel schedule has not affected Barrasso’s duties in the Senate.  When it comes to voting, there’s not a single member with a record better than Senator Barrasso. After 371 votes in the Senate, Barrasso has a 100 percent voting record.

“In so many ways, Wyoming gets it right and Washington gets it wrong,” Barrasso said. “Washington needs to take a lesson from Wyoming. I work every day to reform Washington and fight for government accountability and fiscal responsibility. That’s the way to improve the lives of hard working Wyoming families."

Barrasso made trips to Iraq and Afghanistan to thank Wyoming’s men and women serving in our armed services.  Barrasso, a surgeon, wanted to ensure our troops are receiving the resources and care needed to get the job done.

He said, “I think it is particularly important that we tell our military men and women how proud we are of the job they do and how much they are missed back home.”