John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso and Bennett Call on Interior to Stop Stalling Onshore Domestic Energy Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah) sent a letter today to Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ken Salazar announcing their intention to introduce legislation to block DOI from implementing strict, new onshore oil and gas leasing policies that hinder job creation and energy development in the West.

“In this economy, Washington should establish clear policies that spur economic growth and create new jobs,” said Barrasso. “This administration’s restrictive onshore oil and gas leasing plans will only make our economy worse. It is extremely irresponsible for Washington to push more red tape that will kill jobs, increase uncertainty and weaken state budgets. If the Secretary won’t cancel these policies, we will do our best to defeat them in Congress.”

“While this administration would like us to believe that they are concerned about jobs, deficits, and transparency, their actions speak louder than their words,” said Bennett. “Employment is down, investment is down, and revenues to the federal treasury and our state treasuries are also down. This administration would like to blame the low price of natural gas for these numbers, but the facts tell a different story. Investments are indeed being made; they are just being made away from the public lands of the West. Unless the secretary changes course, I am prepared to do all I can, in cooperation with Senator Barrasso and other like-minded senators, to block the secretary from moving ahead on such ill advised policies.” 

In January, DOI announced policies that would add new bureaucracy and red tape to the oil and gas leasing program and significantly lengthen the amount of time before energy production could begin.

In the letter to DOI, Barrasso and Bennett state that they are concerned that DOI is enacting policy reforms of huge magnitude without engaging the public and without analyzing the impacts.
Since the January announcement, DOI has not offered the American people an opportunity to comment on the plan. 
