John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Another Severe Blow to Obamacare

“After the White House insisted ‘yes we can,’ the courts responded ‘no you can’t.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) praised the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the President’s health care law’s mandate that Americans buy insurance is unconstitutional:

“Throughout the health care debate, Americans told the White House that Washington doesn’t have the authority to force them to buy a product.  President Obama ignored the American people and jammed through a law that clearly violates the Constitution. 

“Today, another court stood on the side of Americans and their rights.  This ruling is another severe blow to the President’s health care law.   After the White House insisted ‘yes we can,’ the courts responded ‘no you can’t.’

“I will continue to fight to restore Americans freedom over their personal health care decisions. We must repeal and replace this entire law with patient centered reforms.”
