“Attorney General Becerra is the most left-wing nominee for this job in history. He is an aggressive culture warrior for the radical left.”
Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.
Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:
“I come to the floor to oppose the nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary as Xavier Becerra.
“As I stand here today, America is still fighting the worst pandemic in a century.
“More than half a million Americans, that we just heard have died of this coronavirus. Life expectancy in our country has dropped by a full year. Now, as a doctor that’s a significant drop of life expectancy.
“In this time of crisis, our Secretary of Health and Human Services may be the single most important member of the President’s Cabinet.
“There are many well-qualified Democrats, in my opinion who could serve in this position.
“For example, I voted to confirm President Obama’s last Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Burwell. She was confirmed by a large, bipartisan majority.
“That’s not the kind of nominee we have this time. In the middle of a crisis, President Biden has chosen someone who is in my opinion both unqualified and unfit for this specific job.
“First, Attorney General Becerra is unqualified.
“As a doctor, I am deeply concerned that President Biden nominated someone with no medical or public health experience.
“He is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. He is not a public health official.
“He’s a trial lawyer and career politician. A global pandemic is no time for on-the-job health care training. The Secretary must be ready on day one.
“Attorney General Becerra is not only unqualified; he is also radically liberal on his positions.
“Attorney General Becerra is the most left-wing nominee for this job in history.
“He is an aggressive culture warrior for the radical left.
“He supports Medicare for all, which would ban private health insurance. 180 million people who get their health insurance through their jobs would lose it… If his positions go forward and he has his way, American workers would lose that opportunity and the benefit of their jobs.
“He’s made a name for himself in the Democrat Party for his extreme positions on abortion.
“During his 24 years in Congress, Attorney General Becerra voted against every restriction on abortion. During his confirmation hearings, Senator Daines even asked him to name a single restriction he would support. He couldn’t name a single one. This extreme record has earned him a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood.
“As a Congressman, Mr. Becerra even voted against the ban on partial birth abortion. The Supreme Court rightly upheld banning partial birth abortions in the United States.
“This isn’t the only time the Attorney General’s positions were at odds with that of the current Supreme Court as he was Attorney General in California. During his confirmation hearing, Mr. Becerra claimed he ‘never sued any nuns.’ He also said that he only sued because of California law. Both of those statements stretch the truth—to put it mildly.
“One of the jobs of the Secretary of Health and Human Services is to protect the conscience rights of doctors and nurses. Mr. Becerra’s record shows he can’t be trusted to do that.
“There was also a well-known case involving Pregnancy Crisis Centers. These are groups that help women facing an unplanned pregnancy. California said they had to advertise where these women could to get abortions.
“Attorney General Becerra brought the full power of the state of California against these pro-life groups. Once again, the Supreme Court of the United States stepped in to stop him.
“Mr. Becerra also used the power of his office to criminally prosecute pro-life journalists.
“A pro-life activist went undercover to investigate Planned Parenthood for trafficking in aborted body parts. His revelations caused outrage across the country.
“Attorney General Becerra charged him, the undercover reporter, with 15 felonies. This was too much even for Attorney General Becerra’s liberal hometown newspaper.
“The Los Angeles Times said, ‘It is disturbingly aggressive for Becerra to apply this criminal statute to people who were trying to influence a contested issue of public policy, regardless of how sound or popular that policy may be.’
“Attorney General Becerra is a radical liberal on a whole host of issues.
“As Attorney General of California, he sued the Trump Administration over 120 different times.
“This includes filing nine lawsuits on the very last day of President Trump’s administration.
“He sued to try to stop President Trump from building the wall on the Southern Border.
“He sued the Trump Administration to try to stop fracking on federal lands in California.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg; the list goes on and on and on.
“When you look at his record, it’s clear. Xavier Becerra is out of touch with the views of the American people.
“President Biden has chosen an extremely liberal cabinet. He was forced to withdraw his nominee for Budget Director. His Vice President had the least bipartisan record of any senator in 2019.
“And now Attorney General Becerra is the most liberal of them all.
“Frankly, his selection shocked a lot of people across this country.
“During this pandemic, we need a leader for the Department of Health and Human Services who brings us together as a nation.
“Instead, the president chose a nominee with no public health experience and an extremely partisan record.”