John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Bill Increases American Energy Production

Streamlines oil and gas leasing process and requires the Administration to create goals for American oil and gas production in the West.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced legislation to increase our nation’s energy security by removing barriers to American onshore oil and natural gas production.  The American Energy and Western Jobs Act streamlines the oil and gas leasing process and requires this Administration to create goals for American oil and gas production in the West. 

“Higher energy costs continue to make it harder for families across the country to make ends meet,” said Barrasso.  “The federal government controls vast energy resources in the Western United States.  Responsible energy exploration in the West will create American jobs and promote American energy security.  In order to increase energy production, we must streamline the process and repeal this Administration’s policies that are making the pain at the pump worse.  This legislation will help bring down the cost of gas and give American energy producers the certainty they need.”

Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Mike Lee (R-UT) are original cosponsors of the American Energy and Western Jobs Act.


The American Energy and Western Jobs Act will:

• Require Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Production Goals: The bill requires the Secretary to establish strategic production goals for federal minerals. The goals must maintain or increase production.  Interior must also include an examination of steps to streamline the permitting process and incorporate production goals in each Resource Management Plan. 

• Repeal Barriers to Domestic Fuel Production: The bill repeals Secretary Salazar’s onshore leasing reforms from 2010 as well as the 2011 Wild Lands Order.  Going forward, the Secretary is required to solicit public comment and complete an economic impact assessment BEFORE modifying or implementing changes to onshore oil and gas policies or to wilderness policies.

• Improve Onshore Oil and Gas Lease Issuance: Current law requires the Secretary to issue leases within 60 days of receiving successful bid payment.  The Interior Department regularly disregards this requirement.  This provision would strengthen the existing 60-day lease issuance requirement by making the lease issuance automatic.  It also prohibits protests from delaying the 60-day requirement. 

• Create a Shot Clock for Judicial Review: The bill requires litigation challenging the adequacy of the NEPA review be brought within 60 days of the document being published in the Federal Register.

• Require an Annual Report on Public Land Revenues: The bill requires the Secretary to submit as part of the agency budget a detailed accounting of all the revenues generated by multiple-use of public lands.  The report must be broken down by permitted activity and field office.

• Encourage Exploration of Western Oil Shale: The bill requires the Secretary to hold a lease sale for oil shale research, development and demonstration.  It would also finalize the oil shale regulations for commercial leasing that were issued in 2008.
