John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Blocking LNG Amendments Rewards Russia, Compromises Ukraine & Allies

“It is clear that by not voting, we’re rewarding Russia with more power at the International Monetary Fund while denying Ukraine..the opportunity to be more energy independent from Russian energy sources.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) filed two amendments to the economic assistance package to Ukraine considered by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His first amendment would allow the United States to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Ukraine and members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Barrasso’s second amendment would allow the United States to export LNG to members of the World Trade Organization.

Instead of allowing the Committee to vote on the amendments, Chairman Menendez blocked them from being considered.  Barrasso delivered the following remarks in response to being denied a vote on his amendments:

“Mr. Chairman, I recognize that you have the power to make certain rulings in this committee, and obviously I disagree with your conclusion that this amendment shouldn’t be considered today.

“The underlying bill includes other provisions that are not in the jurisdiction, I believe, of this committee.

“Sections dealing with loan guarantees and sanctions which are under the jurisdiction of the Banking Committee.

“Different issues regarding reprogramming of funds from the U.S. Department of Defense is not necessarily in the jurisdiction of this committee.

“I appreciate the many kind comments from the members of the committee. Many members of the committee have said they also want to take real steps to help Ukraine.

“I’m offering an opportunity for Congress to help Ukraine and help our NATO allies.

“And the message that we are sending right now is that we’re actually more willing to protect Russia’s energy monopoly.

“The irony of what’s happening today is certainly not going to be lost on the people of the Ukraine, or our allies, or the leaders in the Kremlin.

“It is clear that by not voting, we’re rewarding Russia with more power at the International Monetary Fund while denying Ukraine, the important allies, and the opportunity to be more energy independent from Russian energy sources.

“If Members are willing to provide American taxpayer dollars for Ukraine to pay Russian gas bills, then Congress should work to ensure that Ukraine has the opportunity to buy U.S. natural gas.

“I’d say by passing my amendment, the United States has the potential to be the strategic energy supplier to our NATO allies and the Ukraine.

“It’s worth noting Mr. Chairman that my amendment on LNG exports has strong bipartisan support in the body.
“I will of course be offering this amendment in the full Senate. I expect our bipartisan coalition to pass an amendment that actually helps Ukraine and Eastern Europe escape the grip of Russia.

“I will be offering this amendment of the floor, I’ll push for a vote.

“And I look forward to traveling to the Ukraine tomorrow, and directly speaking with leaders in the region about their desire to buy American natural gas to escape Russian’s grip on their economy and future.”


Barrasso Amendment # 1: requires the Department of Energy to approve the applications to export natural gas to Ukraine and NATO member countries.

Barrasso Amendment # 2: requires the Department of Energy to approve the applications to export natural gas to World Trade Organization member countries.
