John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Calls for All Senators to Support the Laken Riley Act

“The Laken Riley Act presents the Senate a simple choice: Are you willing to allow illegal immigrant criminals to roam free in our country? Or do you want to save American lives?”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Senate Majority Whip, spoke on the Senate Floor as the Senate begins consideration of the Laken Riley Act. Senator Barrasso called on his Democrat colleagues to support this life-saving legislation.

Click HERE to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.

Sen. Barrasso’s remarks as prepared:

“Something unexpected is happening in the early days of this new Congress: bipartisanship.

“Republicans and a few brave Democrats agree: violent criminals who have entered our country illegally are a threat to safety and security of the American people.

“A headline in Politico this week tells the story. The headline reads: ‘Democrats make a right turn on immigration.’

“This is an encouraging start. It is now time for Democrats to prove it.

“The Senate is voting today on the bipartisan Laken Riley Act.

“Laken Riley was a young woman. A student at Augusta University in Athens, Georgia. She was studying to be a nurse. Tomorrow would have been Laken’s 23rd Birthday.

“She was murdered by an illegal immigrant while she was out for a run. That illegal immigrant was in America because of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ open border policies.

“The Laken Riley Act has been sponsored and cosponsored by every Republican in the Senate.

“There are also several Democrats who very recently signed on and now support the legislation.

“The Laken Riley Act presents the Senate a simple choice: Are you willing to allow illegal immigrant criminals to roam free in our country? Or do you want to save American lives?

“Protecting Americans from the dangers of a broken border makes sense to most of our citizens.

“Earlier this week, Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania was asked about the Laken Riley Act. Senator Fetterman said this: ‘If you’re here illegally and you’re committing crimes, I don’t know why anybody thinks that it’s controversial.’

“Well, not too long ago, his Party certainly thought that this point of view was controversial.

“Last Congress, Republicans tried to bring up the Laken Riley Act. Democrats blocked us. They wouldn’t even debate it.

“I am happy to hear that several Democrats are now open to debating this important bill. It’s nice to see that the results of the election in November
have changed the thinking of some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

“Debating the Laken Riley Act isn’t enough. The Senate must pass it.

“The House already passed the Laken Riley Act this week. The vote was bipartisan.

“The Senate now has an opportunity to make a difference – to protect American citizens from illegal immigrant criminals.

“There are some Democrat Senators who say they support the Laken Riley Act but want a weaker version.

“To be clear, Senate Republicans will not accept weakening this life-saving legislation.

“We must ensure that what happened to Laken Riley does not happen again.

“When the time comes to vote on the Laken Riley Act, I encourage my colleagues to vote yes.

“If Democrats join us, the Laken Riley Act will become law.

“Most importantly, it will meet an urgent need.

“This is not comprehensive immigration reform. To be very clear, there is much that needs to be done to fix our broken border.

“The moment has come for safety, for security, and for serious action.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats broke the border.

“They turned Wyoming and every single state into a border state.

“It’s time for even more Democrats to join Republicans in securing the border and saving lives.”
