John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Commemorates 150th Anniversary of Wyoming Becoming a U.S. Territory

“150 years ago, the Wyoming Territory was the frontier. The people of Wyoming still have that same pioneering spirit today. We are patriotic Americans. We work hard to care for our families, for our neighbors, and for our communities.”

Click here to watch Sen. Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) spoke on the Senate floor to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Congress authorizing the creation of the Wyoming Territory.

Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks:

I come to the floor today to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the creation of the Wyoming Territory.

“On July 25, 1868, Congress authorized the territory that would become the state of Wyoming.

“Thousands of people were headed west along the new rail lines that were being built.

“In fact, the first territorial governor noted that it was the first time America had carved out a new territory as a result of the railroad coming through.

“People were eager to settle in the new territory and build new lives, seek their fortune, and raise their families.

“What they found when they reached the Wyoming territory was a place of incomparable beauty.

“An observer at the time talked about ‘the fertile valleys of rivers and streams.’

“This observer at the time praised ‘the gorges of its majestic mountains.’

“It wasn’t just the natural beauty of Wyoming that drew people there. It was the natural resources as well.

“When the Senate was debating the creation of the territory, one of the things they talked about right here in the body, right here in this room, was what was the potential future for the area.

“These natural resources would help power America’s expansion west.

“One senator talked about the ‘valuable springs of petroleum’ and about the abundant coal deposits.

“These same natural resources still help power the American economy today, 150 years later.

“Wyoming is America’s largest producer of coal – and we’re one of the biggest in terms of producing oil and natural gas.

“Over the past century and a half, the people of Wyoming have provided America with gold, diamonds, and uranium as well.

“From the very beginning, from day one, scientists have flocked to Wyoming to explore our natural resources.

“Some of the first government-sponsored geological surveys took place in what’s now Yellowstone National Park.

“Today, students and scholars come from around the world to study at the University of Wyoming.

“Yellowstone is one of the world’s most treasured places to visit – more than 4 million people visited there this past year.

“Once Congress created the Wyoming territory, we lost no time in organizing and setting ourselves up as a model for the rest of the country.

“One of the first acts of the new territorial legislature was to actually grant equal rights to women for the first time in American history.

“That’s why Wyoming today is still known as the Equality State.

“Women served on juries. We had the world’s first female justice of the peace. We had the first woman elected governor of any state.

“We’re a small state by population, but when you look at these things we’ve contributed throughout our history, you can see why we’re very proud to call Wyoming home.

“Wyoming has always been a place where people are driven by hope, and by optimism about the future.

“This optimism is an essential part of who we are today.

“The polling company Gallup found recently that Wyoming is the most confident state in the country when it comes to America’s economy.

“150 years ago, the Wyoming Territory was the frontier.

“The people of Wyoming still have that same pioneering spirit today. We are patriotic Americans. We work hard to care for our families, for our neighbors, and for our communities.

“So I congratulate all of the people of the state of Wyoming on this historic milestone.

“150 years ago today Congress acted to create the Wyoming Territory.

“That spirit of Wyoming, and the culture of Wyoming, have sustained us this whole time – and they will continue for many more years into the future.”
