John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso Criticizes Administration for Neglecting Americans’ Priorities

“Once again the Administration is taking its eye off the ball.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, during an interview on Fox News, Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) criticized the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) new requirement that companies disclose the impacts of climate change on their businesses.


The following are excerpts from the program:


“It’s not a good use of their time and resources. Once again the Administration is taking its eye off the ball.

“We ought to be talking about jobs, the economy and national security. The Securities and Exchange Commission is supposed to protect investors. They’re the people that completely missed Bernie Madoff. 

“This was a party line vote. The Democrats said, ‘Yeah, companies, tell the American people what effect climate change may have on your bottom line’ I mean, imagine a year ago, telling all the companies to explain what the impact, say a health care bill, will have on their bottom line.

“The CIA now has set up a whole section to look at climate change. They’ve taken their eye off where they ought to be focusing on national security. And now the SEC is taking its eye off the ball and it’s looking at climate change. I think they’re way off base.”
