John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso: Governor Granholm Must Demonstrate Dedication to All Forms of American Energy

“America needs a broad energy mix that includes renewable sources, nuclear power, and yes, traditional fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil.”

Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s remarks.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) delivered the following remarks at a hearing entitled, “Hearing to Consider Nomination of the Honorable Jennifer Granholm to be the Secretary of Energy.”

The hearing featured testimony from the Honorable Jennifer Granholm, nominee to be secretary of Energy.

For more information on witness testimony click here.

Senator Barrasso’s remarks:

“I do want to thank and congratulate and welcome Governor Granholm to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“Our nation’s energy production benefits every American.

“Whether it’s power generated from coal, from natural gas, from uranium, water, sun, wind, American energy keeps the lights on at our schools, our businesses, and our homes.

“It powers our vehicles, our cars and trucks and helps grow our economy.

“The future of American energy is ingenuity, investment, invention, and innovation.

“This is something both parties – and everyone up here at the dais –agrees on.

“Recently, Republicans and Democrats worked together to enact laws that – promote carbon capture technologies, support advanced nuclear reactors, provide for more efficient diesel engines, and prevent greenhouse gas emissions from air conditioners.

“These laws are going to pay significant dividends towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“The end result is cleaner air and lower costs for the American people.

“I look forward to working with Chairman Manchin and the members of this committee to build on this bipartisan record.

“Our country is stronger when we do work together.

“Likewise, I am ready to work with the Biden administration to make American energy as clean as we can, as fast as we can, without killing jobs or raising costs on American consumers.

“The work begins today as our committee considers the nomination to serve as secretary of Energy.

“We have a long and distinguished history.

“You and I had a chance to visit about that and Senator Manchin has mentioned your long history in energy and as governor.

“The Department of Energy oversees the United States’ energy supply.

“It is also responsible for carrying out the environmental clean-up from the Cold War nuclear mission, and managing 17 National Laboratories, among other responsibilities.

“The department plays a critical role in keeping America energy dominant.

“American energy dominance enables – energy security, economic strength and environmental stewardship.

“I always talk about the three ‘E’s’ of energy – which is just that – energy security, economic strength and environmental stewardship.

“Energy is called the master resource for a reason – it powers our nation, our military, our economy.

“It’s an instrument of power, a force multiplier, and it can be used as a weapon of geopolitics.

“Our nation is an energy super power.

“I believe we need to continue to act like one.

“Much of our nation’s energy comes from my home state of Wyoming –America’s leading energy producer.

“Wyoming produces coal, oil, natural gas, uranium.

“It also has incredible renewable resources – we are the world wind capital in so many ways.

“We have world-class wind and large windfarms.

“It also has among the largest reserves of energy resources in the country.

“We produce 15 times more energy than we use in our state and is the biggest net energy supplier among all the states.

“Energy production is the economic lifeblood of my state.

“Energy creates good-paying jobs for the people of Wyoming.

“It provides a critical resource of revenue for the state.

“The incoming administration shouldn’t devastate our economy by implementing policies that undermine energy production.

“The last Democratic administration went on a regulatory rampage to slow or stop energy production.

“I’m not going to sit idly by or my colleagues while the Biden administration enforces policies that threaten Wyoming’s economy and the life bloods of so many people in my state.

“That’s why I find some of Governor Granholm’s past statements and executive actions troubling.

“In 2016 during a public event the nominee stated – ‘We ought to be doing everything we possibly can to keep fossil fuel energy in the ground.’

“This makes no sense for America or Michigan.

“In 2019, roughly 62 percent of Michigan’s electricity generation came from coal and natural gas sources.

“The bottom line is the United States will need fossil fuels well into the future.

“Coal, oil, and natural gas are not going away, and America should not leave these assets stranded in the ground.

“Shutting down American coal, oil, and natural gas production will only shut down our country’s economy.

“If you want skyrocketing energy costs and high unemployment, that’s how you do it.

“America needs a broad energy mix that includes renewable sources, nuclear power, and yes, traditional fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

“Traditional fuels power three out of five American homes and three out of five businesses.

“They power 95 percent of America’s transportation.

“If the Biden administration’s nominees intend to block these critical energy sources, then I can’t support them or that.

“We need to find ways to make expensive energy more affordable.

“The Biden administration should not insist on making affordable energy more expensive.

“As the governor addresses us – we want to make the Department of Energy successful.

“It’s critical today that you have the opportunity to define your views and demonstrate you’re dedicated to all forms of American energy and expanding America’s energy security.

“This hearing gives us an opportunity to hear directly from Governor Granholm and for her to provide more clarity regarding her views, actions as governor, and her vision for the Department of Energy.

“I look forward to the testimony.”