John Barrasso

News Releases

Barrasso in Afghanistan to Thank Troops

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Barrasso , R-Wyo., is in Afghanistan meeting Wyoming troops on the front lines.

Barrasso led a small congressional delegation which includes the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense, Mr. Robert Hood.

In addition to meeting with Wyoming troops, Senator Barrasso has examined several areas of operations and met with senior U.S. and NATO military officers. The delegation also met with senior members of the Afghan government.

“We traveled extensively around Afghanistan visiting troops in Bagram, Kabul and Forward Operating Base Sharana.  Our military, and in particular the men and women serving in the Wyoming National Guard and as members of the regular forces are doing an outstanding job in helping secure and rebuild Afghanistan,”  Barrasso said.

“I believe Wyoming ’s military men and women need our support on the ground.  We need to tell them at every opportunity just how proud we are of the job they do and how much they are missed back home,” Barrasso said.

Wyoming Guard troops are working as Embedded Training Teams (ETT) to the Afghani Police and security forces.  Their overarching mission in providing mentorship to the Afghan National Police and building the capabilities of the civil response teams, such as EMT and Fire.

“Our Wyoming Guard troops are involved not only in planning but also in executing their own operations.  A typical day might see them on combat patrol, briefings with local police and training forces.  They conduct joint patrols and teach the police the survival skills they’ll need on the street,” Barrasso said.

“It is hard, unforgiving work, but the morale of our troops is very high.  They can see they are making a difference and are appreciated not only at home in Wyoming but also here on the streets of Afghanistan."