Stop FCC Obama Appointees from Controlling Another Sector of Economy
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) expressed his support for a resolution of disapproval against the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Net Neutrality Rule (S.J.Res.6). Sponsored by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), this resolution will overturn the FCC’s unprecedented Washington takeover of the internet.
Excerpts of his remarks:
“I support Senator Hutchison in her resolution because it will keep the internet free and open. Republicans and Democrats agree, earlier this year the House of Representatives passed a similar resolution and it had bipartisan support. Net neutrality is very real. The time to act is now. We’ll be voting in the next day or so and the reason we need to act now is that the rules, the rules of having more bureaucratic government control go into effect in just a few weeks. November 20, 2011. It does seem that Congress is being disregarded.
“Brett Glass of Lariat, a wireless internet service provider in Wyoming, warned the FCC about the effects on smaller providers. He said that the red tape will hurt his ability to deploy new service to currently underserved or unserved areas.
“He warned that many broadband providers, they’re small businesses and they’re serving rural communities. He wrote ‘the imposition of regulations that would drive up costs or hamper innovation would further deter future outside investment in our company’ he said, ‘or others like it.’ Americans have made it very clear that they oppose Washington worsening the web. Over 60% of voters oppose Washington putting its hands on the internet.
“This regulation that we’re debating today is a classic example of Washington trying to fix something that is not broken. 93% of Americans are satisfied with their broadband service. 91% of Americans are satisfied with their broadband speed. The internet is working remarkably well. There is a fundamental disconnect with those in Washington who seek a more powerful bureaucracy and those at home in the 50 states of our union who are seeking a stronger economy.”
Background on Net Neutrality
During his 2008 Presidential campaign, candidate Obama promised a new rule to regulate the Internet for the first time in history. On December 21, 2010, the President’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) delivered on his promise when three Democrat Commissioners voted in favor of “net neutrality.” This partisan vote was against the will of the Congress and the Courts. The FCC’s rogue regulatory action against the Internet – a major job-engine of our economy – threatens jobs and Americans’ freedom.
This unelected group of Washington regulators gave itself broad new authority to interfere in the area of Internet development and accessibility. At nine percent unemployment, the Administration has prioritized regulating another sector our economy that accounts for 1/6 of America’s Gross Domestic Product.
By becoming the gatekeeper of internet services, the FCC is putting the future of internet technology – whether on a Smartphone, iPad, or computer – in the hands of Washington regulators, not internet providers. Recent consumer innovations such as 3G/4G wireless speeds and robust fiber networks now become riskier investments for companies. Deterring private network investment will impact every Americans’ ability to access and freely utilize the internet that they want, the way they want it.